Episode 233 - Getting Unstuck in Grief with September Vaudrey


Have you ever felt like you've gotten stuck in the grief? Instead of allowing the pain to bring something new and beautiful forth in your life, do you find yourself struggling to move forward?

Any loss can leave us feeling stuck, but for a parent, losing a child can make it feel like there will never be life past the devastation.

For September Vaudrey, losing her beautiful, 19 year old daughter in a car accident in 2008 made her wonder if life would ever look different than it did in the aftermath of that tragedy.

And yet, step by step, she began to see God's goodness as He took her pain and created beauty from ashes. It was not an easy journey by any means, but a rich one.

In this episode, September sits down with Aubrey to talk about what it looks like to get unstuck in our grief, why facing our pain head on matters so much, and how to give permission to others around us as they grieve in their own unique way.

Full of practical wisdom, this conversation is for anyone who has ever felt like moving through the pain in their story is an impossible feat but wants to try and experience the good God has on the other side of it.

”My view of God was a healthier, more joyful, more whole. God’s goodness was more real to me, not in spite of Katie’s death, but because of it.”

September Vaudrey


Episode 234 - Seeing Beauty in the Darkest Days with Colleen Chao


Episode 232 - Learning to Connect with God in the Unexplainable with Emmanuel and Adrienne Threatt