Episode 367 - Experiencing Jesus in Pain and Suffering with John Eldredge
What happens to our relationship with God in the midst of suffering? How do we stay connected to Jesus when we are walking through pain?
Author John Eldredge has been guiding people through practices that can help keep us in union with Christ, especially when the pain of life threatens to erode our connection. He has seen the ways in which the enemy will attempt to break our spirit and discourage us and how Christ longs to bring hope and healing to our souls. He has taken these lessons from his own life, throughout his counseling career and ministry, and what he sees now as a spiritual father to many and has written a book called Experience Jesus. Really: Finding Refuge, Strength, and Wonder through Everyday Encounters with God. In it, he shares habits and spiritual practices that will offer readers the refuge of experiencing deep, lasting, real communion with Jesus.
In this insightful episode, Davey and John talk about how we can begin to let go the weight of our cares and entrust them to God, the ways in which our agreements with the lies of the enemy can prolong our suffering, and why we need daily reminders of truth as we heal.
If you struggle to stay connected to Jesus in times of pain and heartache, this conversation will teach you ways that you can reconnect with the one who wants to bring you hope and healing.
Episode 362- Spiritual Practices in Wilderness Seasons with Tyler Staton
How can spiritual practices help us in the valley of our heartache and suffering? Why is prayer so pivotal in our pain?
For years, pastor of Bridgetown Church and author Tyler Staton taught others how to slow down and engage in the spiritual practices that can help people connect to God and hear His voice more clearly. He had no idea how much the very lessons he shared would be so important in his own journey through cancer. Reading Scripture, prayer and conversing with God took on a whole new level of meaning and intimacy as he walked through a difficult diagnosis and an aggressive treatment plan that physically and emotionally depleted him. But through it, he found a deeper connection with the shepherd of his soul.
In this tender conversation, Davey sits with Tyler to discuss why we need to engage in spiritual practices especially in hard times, what the mystery of the spiritual wilderness can reveal, and how God will use the interruptions of our suffering to show us what we cannot see in the ordinary moments of our life.
If you are walking through the wilderness and wondering how to find the direction you need, this episode will help you understand that while spiritual practices may not give us all the answers we long for, they will guide us into a deeper connection with the one who knows them.
Episode 328 - The Night is Normal with Dr. Alicia Britt Chole
What do we do when our faith feels like the darkness of night? How do we find our way through when God is hard to see or feel?
Author and speaker Dr. Alicia Britt Chole was never afraid of asking questions. In fact, it was her own father's willingness to hear and respond to the many curiosities in her spirit that gave her a picture for God's willingness to listen to and speak to all the questions, the fears, and the doubts in life. Through her personal study of scripture, she began to take notice of the idea of night, of a darkness or obscurity, that can mark our journeys with Jesus.
In an effort to normalize this very valuable and healthy part of our spiritual growth, Dr. Chole wrote The Night is Normal: A Guide Through Spiritual Pain, to help readers identify what can cause our spiritual pain and how to navigate through those seasons of disillusionment and seasons where we are losing hope. Through scriptural evidence and personal experience, Dr. Chole proves that while painful, our disillusionment and those night seasons can become our greatest gifts in our journey towards faith and hope.
In this profound conversation, Aubrey and Dr. Chole talk about how God pursues us when we are far from Him, the causes of our spiritual pain, and why normalizing our difficult seasons can help us find a way through them.
If you've ever found yourself with more questions than answers when it comes to your faith, this episode will prove that God can handle all your questions, all your doubts, and all your disillusionment and that the night you may be experiencing will not last forever.
Episode 313 - Holding Onto Faith in Our Doubts with Laura Wifler
How do we navigate those questions we have in the middle of our struggles? How can we hold onto our faith when doubt seems to want to unravel what we know to be true?
For author and podcaster Laura Wifler, walking through a season of doubt in the middle of life's challenges wasn't something she anticipated. As someone who spent much of her time encouraging other women on her well-known podcast and through her book by the same name, Risen Motherhood, to cling to Jesus in their lives, she never imagined to find herself wrestling with uncertainty in her own faith. And yet through that season and through parenting a child with special needs, Laura found God reveal Himself to her more and more. Learning to cling to her faith when it felt impossible was a lesson that continues to carry her through the lingering questions and challenges she is experiencing. She also found that her vulnerability in sharing where she was in her journey with Jesus gave others permission to do the same.
In this episode, Eric talks with Laura about what the gospel offers in parenting a child with special needs, how to find hope in our pain, and what it looks like to cling to faith in our doubts.
If you or someone you know have found themselves in a season where there seems to be more questions than answers, this conversation is an invitation to ask God what is on your mind and know that there is no question or struggle with doubt that can keep you from His love.
Episode 306 - Practicing the Way with John Mark Comer
How do we practice the way of Jesus when our lives are riddled with pain and suffering? What does it look like to grow spiritually when we are hurting?
Author and Bible teacher John Mark Comer has been leading others towards what he calls an apprenticeship with Jesus, teaching how we can learn the intended rhythms and practices God wants us to engage in by simply looking to how Jesus walked and talked in this world. We are all being spiritually formed by something, he argues, and if we want it to be a formation in the likeness of Christ then we need to learn to sit with Him, become like Him and do the things Jesus did. This is the very message of his latest book, Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become like him, Do as he did, which can help Christians learn the spiritual disciplines that Jesus taught and modeled for all believers.
In this deeply insightful conversation, Davey and Aubrey chat with John Mark about what spiritual formation is, what types of spiritual disciplines we should be doing in our seasons of pain and suffering, and the important impact of community when we are hurting. They go on to talk about the dark night of the soul, a spiritual experience often described by theologians but rarely discussed in churches, in which God removes the felt sense of his presence while remaining as near as He ever was. It can be one of the most disorienting experiences for those who encounter it and yet as John Mark shares, there is a richness offered in the spiritual life of the one who walks through it.
If you've been struggling to do basic spiritual disciplines in your suffering or if you've been wrestling with a deep sense of God's absence in your life, this episode is a gentle reminder that God is with you when you are hurting and that He invites you into rest and to simply be when you don't have the strength to do.