Alexis Hunter Alexis Hunter

Episode 364- The Mindful Marriage with Ron and Nan Deal

How do we get out of the negative patterns in our marriage? What impact does learning to regulate our own emotions have on our relationships?

For authors Ron and Nan Deal, it wasn't until they learned to self-regulate their own emotions after the built up pain from their stories and the loss of their child that they began to find healing in the destructive cycles in their marriage. When their relationship had reached a critical point, they found hope and help in the work of Dr. Terry and Sharon Hargrave, whose transformational Restoration Therapy gave Ron and Nan a path forward together in healing. In their new book, The Mindful Marriage: Create Your Best Relationship Through Understanding and Managing Yourself, Ron and Nan, along with the Hargraves, share both Biblical principles and neuroscience that will help create a more loving, faithful marriage for readers.

In this honest and raw conversation, Davey sits down with Ron and Nan to talk about the impact family of origin has in our relationships, why emotional regulation is so important, and how learning to renew your mind can help your brain heal from unhealthy patterns of thinking and relating with your spouse.

No matter what state your marriage is in currently, this episode will show you how learning about your own unhelpful ways of coping can bring healing, hope, and flourishing to your most important relationship-your marriage.

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Jenell Shields Jenell Shields

Episode 340- Nothing is Wasted Book: More to the Story with Kristi Blackburn

What does redemption look like in our stories of pain and suffering? How do we step into the story of someone we love and hold space for them?

For Nothing is Wasted co-founder, Kristi Blackburn, learning to be a place of refuge and healing for her husband, Davey, and son, Weston, years after they lost their first wife and mom, Amanda, has been no simple task. In the messiness of grief, blending families, and navigating the impact of trauma, Kristi has had to step into the call of being a wife and mother without a manual but only the grace of God to guide her. She has had to learn how to do it all from a place of faith and not fear, while also tending to her own story of shame, loss and grief. While it hasn't been easy, she has found that in the midst of it all, God has given her the strength and wisdom she has needed to be a source of healing and help to both Davey and Weston as they continue to put the pieces together of their shattered hearts.

In this heartwarming episode, Davey and Kristi have the opportunity to share candidly about what it has been like to step into each other's pain, the difference between redemption and restoration, and how to parent kids who have faced the unimaginable.

If you've ever struggled to see God's redemption plan play out in your story, this conversation will show you that perhaps it already has and you just haven't recognized it yet.

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Jenell Shields Jenell Shields

Episode 337- Nothing is Wasted Book: More to the Story with Daniel and Brittany Brooker

How do you learn to feel the pain instead of just filling it? What does surrender look like when we've entered a story that we never imagined for ourselves?

On this first ever live Nothing is Wasted podcast episode from the Nothing is Wasted Book Launch event, Davey and Kristi Blackburn are joined by Daniel and Brittany Brooker to discuss the messy road of healing and redemption. The Brookers know pain--having both lost a spouse at a young age while parenting small children. Their process towards healing and hope and finding one another along the way has been full of incredible joy and difficult heartaches. Finding friendship with the Blackburns, another couple who understands the impact of trauma on a marriage and children and who are also blending together a family, has been a gift in the journey of grief, loss, and redemption.

In this conversation, the Blackburns and the Brookers discuss why we have to feel our pain and not just fill it, the importance of surrender in our deepest valleys, and how God gives us people along the way that can be a part of his healing plan for us.

If you've ever struggled to allow yourself the opportunity to really feel the emotions that come from a loss or your unique path of suffering, this episode will help you to realize that healing cannot happen until you admit there is hurt and allow God to meet you in the messy middle of it.

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Guest User Guest User

Episode 293 - Finding Gospel Hope in Divorce with Barnabas Piper

How does the gospel apply in the loss of a marriage? Where can everyone involved find hope after the pain of divorce?

Having grown up as a pastor's kid of a world renowned theologian, John Piper, Barnabas Piper knew the right theological answers in life. It was through his own personal journey of pain after an unwanted divorce that led him to a newfound understanding of God's grace and mercy in his hurt and ultimately, his life. Since then, as a pastor, Barnabas has been able to help others through their own feelings of shame and heartache and has pointed them to the ways in which the gospel applies to all.

In this honest conversation, Nothing is Wasted guest host, Eric Schumacher sits down with Barnabas to talk about the transition between theological knowledge into a true understanding, what the gospel says to everyone who is affected by a divorce, and how the Church can love people well through the pain of a broken marriage.

This episode is for anyone who has walked through or has loved someone who has walked through a divorce as it reminds us all that God's redemptive love and the hope of the gospel applies to every pain we will ever endure.

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Guest User Guest User

Episode 283 - Walking with Kids through the Unimaginable with Jessye and Ryan Wilden

WARNING: This episode contains conversations about suicide and suicide ideation and may not be suitable for all listeners/viewers.

How do you help a child in your life walk through an unimaginable trauma? How can you begin to navigate their emotions as well as your own when life turns upside down?

For Jessye and Ryan Wilden figuring out how to walk through their own pain of losing Ryan's sister, Rena, in a homicide/suicide that took her life and the life of her husband, Danny, has been difficult enough. Taking in their niece and nephew and navigating their grief and loss in losing both their parents has required wisdom and discernment from God for a circumstance that doesn't have a manual. Add to it the collective grief that people felt after losing two beloved members of their community, it could feel impossible to ever get out from under the depths of suffering. And yet, Jessye and Ryan found a way through as they relied on the Lord each step of the way. In her book, We Wrote Your Name In Color, Jessye shares the messy process of healing, redemption, and grace found in their story.

Davey sits down with Jessye and Ryan to talk about what you even do in the aftermath of the unimaginable, how to walk kids through their own pain and healing, and the value of having a community in the midst of tragedy.

You may never walk through something as painful as the Wilden's have, but the way they've seen God in the middle of their heartbreak will encourage you as you navigate your own valley.

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Catherine Fitzgerald Catherine Fitzgerald

Episode 259-Learning to Remember While Thinking Forward After Loss with Jonathan Pitts

What happens when we start to share our story of pain and loss? How can retelling what we've walked through help us in healing?

For Jonathan Pitts, sharing the story of how he lost his wife, Wynter, has been a part of the process God has used to heal his greatest loss. In 2018, life was going well for Jonathan and his family. With an exciting upcoming move to the Nashville area and a new position as a pastor, Jonathan, Wynter and their four girls were excited about what was ahead. But within moments, their lives took a tragic turn that none of them could have imagined when Wynter died suddenly from a heart related issue. Just like that, Jonathan and his girls were on a new trajectory in their lives as they continued on with the move and began a completely new life without Wynter.

In this episode, Davey and Jonathan talk about how so much of our healing can come as we share parts of our story, the importance of having permission to feel what we feel, and ways we can combat shame in our grief.

Life has taken unexpected turns for the Pitts family as Jonathan has now remarried and pivoted in his professional life, but this conversation is a reminder that as much as life can change in an instant, God remains the same.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 42 - The 2018 End of the Year Best of Spectacular

When you can't pick just one favorite podcast episode ... you pick 5! And when you can't pick one topic to talk about ... you pick as many as you can fit into the hour! We had a blast recording the podcast these last 6 months and we want to celebrate by sharing some of our favorite moments and answer some of your questions! Don't miss the Nothing is Wasted Podcast End of the Year Best of Spectacular! 

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 40 - Gary & Kathy Stump (Part Two)

In this special bonus episode, Gary and Kathy continue their conversation with Davey and Kristi about how God turns our mourning into morning, how to blend families well, and more.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 39 - Gary & Kathy Stump (Part One)

Gary and Kathy Stump are no strangers to the difficulties that come with blending families. Gary’s life and the lives of his four children were changed forever when Gary’s wife was killed in a car accident. Now Gary and his wife Kathy sit down with Davey and Kristi to talk about remarriage, blending families, and how we can make sure our trials aren’t wasted.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 23 - Daniel & Brittany Brooker pt. 2

Daniel and Brittany found each other in the midst of their pain, and before long their two families became one. They sat down with Davey and Kristi for a conversation on loss, remarriage, blending families, and more.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 22 - Daniel & Brittany Brooker

Daniel and Brittany found each other in the midst of their pain, and before long their two families became one. They sat down with Davey and Kristi for a conversation on loss, remarriage, blending families, and more.

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Episode 21 - Jake Baird

Have you ever wondered what it would take to have the faith to walk through unforeseen and unexpected tragedy? How could you possibly stand in the face of heartache and loss and say that God is good?

On this episode, Jake and Davey talk about what it's like to walk through difficult seasons, loss, and what it takes to stay faithful to God even in the midst of unthinkable pain. Jake shares his story authentically and with the hope of helping other people learn to truly heal and find purpose in their own pain.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 18- Todd & Kathy Erb pt. 2

Three years ago Todd walked into his house to find his worst nightmare and had his entire life turned upside down in a moment. 

Kathy had her life turned upside down almost eight years ago when she lost her husband in an instant.

Both Todd & Kathy have walked through  devastating loss and grief - hear how their stories collide and how they are seeking to find purpose and follow Jesus in the midst of the unexpected and unimaginable.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 17 - Todd & Kathy Erb pt. 1

Three years ago Todd walked into his house to find his worst nightmare and had his entire life turned upside down in a moment. 

Kathy had her life turned upside down almost eight years ago when she lost her husband in an instant.

Both Todd & Kathy have walked through  devastating loss and grief - hear how their stories collide and how they are seeking to find purpose and follow Jesus in the midst of the unexpected and unimaginable.

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