Episode 47 - Nate Pyle
How can we pray when everything in our lives is going wrong? When God’s promises don’t seem to be coming true, how can we talk to Him? That’s a question that Nate Pyle and his wife Sarah have wrestled with for years. When they began to feel that God promised them their family would grow, they never would have guessed where the journey would lead them. A pregnancy failed, adoption attempts stalled, and the couple were left asking God how he could make a promise and fail to keep it. But God writes the end our stories, and theirs was just getting started.
Nate sits down with Davey to share his family’s powerful story and how they’ve dealt with issues of loss, waiting, mental health, race, and so much more, and how God has been faithful through it all.
“We need someone from the outside to come in and move our struggle toward something redemptive and restorative, and that’s what God is doing.”

Nate Pyle has walked through tragedy in his own life--professional uncertainty, the intense impact of mental illness, and the struggle to build a family because of a lost pregnancy, infertility, and adoption. As a pastor, Nate has cried with countless people experiencing deep and overwhelming pain. They want answers but perhaps even more, they want someone to sit with them as they lament.
Cliché Christianity tells us not to ask questions in hard times. Yet transformation awaits us in the dark night of the soul. In More Than You Can Handle, Nate asks with you: "God, where are you in this pain? Why don't you step in and act?" Because when we courageously bring all of who we are to all of who God is--and stop pretending we can "handle" life--we encounter the God of Redemption. The good news isn't that we can handle everything, but rather that God promises to be with us at the very moments we can't handle anything.
Skillfully weaving together his own story, the stories of others, and a powerful look at the life of Jesus, Nate delivers a fresh and timely response to the pain we each experience. As Nate reminds us, the only thing more overwhelming than the pain of life is the love of a God who carries that pain with us.